Water and life. Water for Life.
Today, we will discuss water.
Water is the basis of life. 2/3 of the earth’s surface is covered in water! Water is the second most essential element on earth (oxygen is the most important). A person can live without water for only 3 days.
Water is the driving force of all nature. This is a description of water by Leonardo Da Vinci.
We are made of water (two thirds)
- Brain up to 90% water
- Blood up to 85% water
- Lungs up to 83% water
- Kidneys up to 79% water
- Heart up to 73% water
- Muscles up to 72% water
Ancient villages were established along river banks, water wells with spring water were an assurance of wellbeing and a good harvest. Our ancestors gave great importance to the quality of water and even considered it to have healing properties.
8 reasons to drink water:
Migraines, headaches, pain in the lower back, joints, muscles and other areas are possible symptoms of dehydration. 85% of the human blood consists of water, when the blood becomes dehydrated, it thickens, which negatively affects the body.
Water is an important source of energy for the body. Water delivers oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body and promotes a healthy metabolism. If the body is oxygen deprived it results in low energy.
Water increases the metabolism, regulates appetite and reduces feelings of hunger. Water does have any calories and it is an important part of any diet. Water consumption helps to burn fat. Experiments show that consuming 1 glass of water increases the metabolism by 30%. 1L of water helps to burn 100 calories. Although that seems like a small amount, it adds up to 3000 calories/month and 36000 calories/year, which can help you get rid of 5 kg of fat without ever stepping on a treadmill.
Water promotes healthy digestions and bowel movements.. It increases the metabolism and promotes the creation of the optimal amount of stomach acid. Water helps to remove excrements from the intestines and helps to avoid constipation.
Water takes part in protein synthesis in muscles, which helps to keep our muscles and ligaments elastic. There is a lot of water in joints, which protects joints and cartilage by acting as a lubricant. When dehydrated, the amount of synovial fluid is reduced, which reduces joint mobility.
Water has a high thermal capacity and thermal conductivity. It cools down the body 14 times faster than air. The human body generates enough heat in 1 hour to bring 1 L of ice-cold water to a boil. If the human body was an impermeable case, within 1 hour the body temperature would rise by 1.5°С. In 40 hours, it would reach 100°С. Water helps us to regulate body temperature while external temperature changes.
Cell dehydration leads to a loss of collagen, which results in reduced skin elasticity. Using moisturizing creams, oils and lotions can help, but it is better to avoid collagen loss in the first place. Hydrate your skin from within by drinking water, which will also help to flush toxins, increase skin elasticity, prevent signs of aging.
Without water, the liver and kidneys (the body’s natural filters) cannot function normally. Water helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.
When should you drink water?
- 1-2 glasses will restore the water balance after the night.
- 1 glass before a meal will help to control portion size by creating a feeling of fullness.
- 2 glasses before each meal and a small reduction of your regular portion size can help you lose excess weight.
- Drinking 1 L of water during the day will help to burn 100 calories, which is equivalent to 5kg of fat per year!
Do you want to increase your metabolism? Drink cold water!
What kind of water should you drink?
The following define high quality water:
1. Physical properties
High quality water should contain the optimal amount of macro and microelements that are beneficial for the human body. This type of water helps to regulate the optimal salt-water and acid-base balances in the body. Filtered and bottled water rarely has these properties.
2. Mineral Balance
Minerals are like keys. They work inside and outside of cells and open the doors that lead to health and longevity. A specific amount of micro and macroelements is necessary for maintaining a healthy body. Drinking water should contain an optimal amount of minerals. Too high or too low levels of minerals can harm the body.
3. Taste
The taste and smell of water depend on its chemical composition, which in turn depends on external elements (from natural sources or added in the production process) present in water. Chlorination (and other disinfection methods) also have a profound effect on water quality.
Did you know?
We often replace water with juices, tea, coffee and soda. 1 can of soda contains 35 g of sugar and 140 calories. Water contains no sugar and no calories.
What kind of water must be drunk to be healthy?
Drinking water is water that is safe to drink or to use for food preparation, without risk of health problems. Drinking still water, also known as improved drinking water or as potable water.
Tap water, which may be hard or soft, is delivered via a complex system of pipes, pumps and purification systems to homes and buildings through individual taps. Copper pipe plumbing is bacteriostatic. This means that bacteria cannot grow in the copper pipes. Plastic supply pipes have become increasingly common since about 1970, with a variety of materials and fittings employed, however plastic water pipes do not keep water as clean as copper and brass piping does.Tap water can be susceptible to metal pipe contamination.
Tap water may contain various relatively harmless contaminants (scaling agents like calcium carbonate in hard water and metal ions such as magnesium and iron), and odoriferous gases (hydrogen sulphide). Local geological conditions affecting groundwater determine whether and in what quantity these chemicals are present in the water.
Mineral water is water that is obtained from naturally occurring springs, thought to have health benefits and is bottled at the source of collection. It is usually bottled in glass or plastic containers. Mineral water might include iron, magnesium, calcium or zinc. Mineral water is also water where minerals are added artificially.
Bottled mineral water, bottled Reverse Osmosis (RO) and tap water is available all over the world. The major criticism of bottled water concerns the bottles themselves.
Tap water is said to be environmentally more sustainable than bottled mineral water.
Both natural mineral water and spring water must:
1. Originate from a natural, protected and specific underground source.
2. Be bottled at source. Naturally sourced water is piped directly from the source to the bottling facility. All materials used at a bottling plant must be such a quality that they do not modify the original characteristics of the water.
3. Be microbiologically safe to drink without treatment.
The main difference between natural mineral water and spring water is the requirement of natural mineral water.
Producers of naturally sourced water are stewards of the land, and because of them, natural waters must be free from contamination, the aquifers from which they are drawn.
Bottled drinking water, sometimes known as table water or purified water, is drinking water which is bottled, and is not nor spring water nor natural mineral water. It can come from a variety of sources, including municipal supplies. Bottled water is completely safe to drink. But whether it is useful and bioavailable? There is usually no!
Tap water and bottled water are two different products which require very different processes, but this doesn’t mean that bottled water is ‘less safe’. Bottled water comes from carefully selected underground sources which are safe to consume at source otherwise the water cannot be sold. Bottled Water is classified as a food product and has to be tested regularly at the source, during bottling, and before leaving the bottling plant.
Tap water can come from a wide range of sources and is chemically treated. It needs to contain chlorine, so it can travel safely from the water treatment works to the tap, and therefore requires a different set of regulations to ensure its safety.
Bottled water is a food product and as such, must comply with strict EU and national food safety requirements, as well as industry guides to good hygiene and manufacturing practices.
How to prepare useful bioavailable water?
Each cell of our body needs water. Do you wash dishes or your hands with soup?
Coral Club has created a turn-key solution that will help you consume water
- in the right quality
- in the right quantity
- in a convenient way.
- Changes the physical and chemical properties of water
- Contains the optimal balance of micro and macroelements
- Improves the “taste” of water for every cell in the body
30 sachets of Coral-Mine are enough to enrich 45 liters of water.
1. The mineral composition of Coral-Mine is capable of changing the chemical and physical properties of water:
- Coral-Mine is a natural sorbing agent.
- Coral-Mine makes water more basic.
- Ionized minerals contained in Coral-Mine improves water absorption.
2. Coral-Mine normalizes the mineral balance in the body as well as the functioning of various systems and organs in the body.
Magnesium and calcium are effective at restoring the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and promote the regeneration of bone and connective tissues. In tandem with sodium, they help to support cardiovascular health. Magenesium is important in the functioning of the nervous system and helps to reduce depression.
Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect and helps to prevent premature aging. It is worth noting that the elements contained in Coral-Mine have a synergetic effect. The benefits of each of the components are increased due to the presence of the other components.
3. The minerals, that are contained in Coral-Mine, are more easily absorbed by the body when dissolved in water. This makes it easier for the cells in the body to absorb water and top up their water reserves. Coral-Mine makes water softer, tastier, healthier. Drinking water with Coral-Mine is simple and pleasant.
Your healthy and full of energy life starts with the Coral Club’s Water Pack!